Порівняння стандартів GRI

102‑14Annual Review 2020Sustainability report/Annual Review 2020
102‑15Key Impacts, Risks and OpportunitiesSustainability report/Kiilto and corporate sustainability
102‑1Name of the OrganisationAbout Kiilto
102‑2Activities, Brands, Products and ServicesAbout Kiilto, Products, Construction, Adhesives and fireproofing, Professional hygiene, Consumers
102-3Location of HeadquartersContactKiilto Oy (headquarters)
PO Box 250
33101 Tampere, Finland
Visiting address:
Tampereentie 408, 33880 Lempäälä, Finland
102-4Location of Operations Contact
102-5Ownership and Legal FormAbout Kiilto, Contact
102-6Markets ServedAbout Kiilto
102-7Scale of the OrganisationAbout Kiilto
102-8Information on Employees and Other WorkersAbout Kiilto
102-9Supply ChainSustainability report/
Material topics/Environmental sustainability
102-10Significant Changes to the Organisation and Its Supply Chain2018 Kiilto Oy acquired the Swedish TM Progress AB and Injö Golv AB. Parquet lacquer business was sold to Teknos Oy.
2019 Kiilto Clean Oy acquired CCS Healthcare Holding Ab. TM Progress AB acquired the majority of the shares in Peter Rosén Åkeri AB.
2020 The subsidiaries of KiiltoClean Oy in Germany and Hungary were sold in February 2020 and at the same time the Safety business included in the acquisition in 2019 was divested.
In Sweden, two operational subsidiaries of Kiilto Oy were merged to improve customer experience. In addition, the group structure was simplified by merging the real estate company with an operational company in Russia and holding companies in Sweden.
In Finland, Kiilto Oy started the Floor as a Service business, which is offered to construction companies and contractors. The company acquired a new factory capacity in Forssa, Finland, where the production of self-levelling pumpable floor screeds is centralised.
102-11Precautionary Principle or ApproachSustainability report/Kiilto and corporate sustainability
102-12External InitiativesResponsible Care, UN Sustainable Development Goals
102-13Organisations and AssociationsDenmark: Dansk Industri, Fyns Erhverv, Erhvervsklub Fyn, Udvikling Assens, Kosmetik & Hygiejne Branchen (formerly SPT), IKA – Organiation for Public Purchasers and Suppliers, Rådet for Bedre Hygiejne
Estonia: Eesti Keemiatööstus Liit, Viimistlusmaterjalide Paigaldajate ja Tarnijate Liit, Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoda
Finland: The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd, Association for Finnish Work, Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, SusChem, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Kemesta ry, Building Information Foundation RTS, CEN, IBC Finland, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Latvia: LTRK (The Latvian Chamber of Comerce and Industry)
Norway: Grønt Punkt Norge
Poland: Wood Industry Economy Chamber /PIGPD, Polish Association of Commerce and Services of Floor Coverings
Russia: St. Petersburg International Business Association, Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce, Union of Dry Building Mixtures Producers, Association of Wooden Housing Construction
Sweden: BPHR Industry Association for Professional Hygiene, Swedish Medtech, SAIC The Swedish Association for Infection Control, FTI (Recycle packaging organisation), The Swedish Flooring Trade Association, Swedish Concrete Association, Handelskammaren Mittsverige, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Örnsköldsviks Industrigrupp, KAF Kakelföreningen, BKR Byggkeramikrådet, SVEFF The Swedish Paint and Adhesive Association, Stockholms Snickarmästare-förening, drymix.info

102‑16Values, Principles, Standards and Norms of BehaviourSustainability report/Kiilto and corporate sustainability
102-18Governance StructureAbout Kiilto
102‑40List of Stakeholder Groups
Sustainability report/Stakeholder activities
102-41Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA)62% of Kiilto Family Group personnel is covered by collective bargaining agreements (31 March, 2021).
102-42Identifying and Selecting StakeholdersSustainability report/Stakeholder activities
102-43Approach to Stakeholder EngagementSustainability report/Stakeholder activities
102-44Key Topics and Concerns RaisedSustainability report/Stakeholder activities
102‑45Entities Included in the Consolidated Financial StatementsAbout Kiilto
102-46Defining Report Content and Topic Sustainability report/Our material topics
102-47List of Material TopicsSustainability report/Material topics
102-48Restatements of InformationSustainability report/Our material topics
102-49Changes in ReportingSustainability report/Our material topicsReport 2021 and its key figures involve also Kiilto Family Group’s international companies
102-50Reporting PeriodSustainability report/Our material topics2018-2020
102-51Date of Most Recent Report2018
102-52Reporting Cycle1 year
102-53Contact Point for Questions Regarding the ReportContactLaura Heinovaara, Communications Manager, laura.heinovaara@kiilto.com
102-54Claim of Reporting in Accordance with the GRI StandardsSustainability report/Our material topicsThe report complies with GRI Standards on the core level.
102-55GRI Content IndexGRI Standards Comparison
102-56External AssuranceThe report is not externally verified.
201-1Direct Economic Value Generated and DistributedSustainability report/
Financial sustainability key figures

Voluntary DonationsSustainability report/
Financial sustainability key figures
Kiilto is donating millions of kronor to Radiohjälpen – supporting coronavirus risk groups in Sweden

Insta and Kiilto join forces to work on behalf of young people’s mental health
205-2Communication and Training about Anti‑corruption Policies and ProceduresKiilto/Responsibility/
Financial responsibility
401‑1New Employee Hires and Employee Turnover
Sustainability report/Social sustainability key figures

404-2Programs for Upgrading Employee Skills and Transition Assistance ProgramsKiilto/Responsibility/Social responsibility
404‑3Percentage of Employees Receiving Regular Performance and Career Development ReviewsKiilto/Responsibility/Social responsibilityAll Kiilto employees participate in annual performance and career development discussions.

412‑1Operations That Have Been Subject to Human Rights Reviews or Impact AssessmentsKiilto/Responsibility/Social responsibility
Our purchasing organisation assesses these issues with a separate supplier assessment form.
414‑1New Suppliers That Were Screened Using Social CriteriaKiilto/Responsibility/Social responsibilityKiilto Supplier Code of Conduct
302-1Energy Consumption within the OrganizationSustainability report/Environmental sustainability key figures

Our promise to the environment
Towards a carbon-neutral future

302-3Energy IntensitySustainability report/Environmental sustainability key figures

302-4Self-produced EnergySustainability report/Environmental sustainability key figuresKiilto invests in solar energy

Kiilto’s environmental performance was awarded at the European Responsible Care Award 2019 competition

305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG EmissionsSustainability report/Environmental sustainability key figures

305-2Indirect (Scope 2) GHG EmissionsSustainability report/Environmental sustainability key figuresThe annual values in the diagram represent the combined indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions of Kiilto Family Group companies (not location-based values).
305-4GHG Emissions IntensitySustainability report/Environmental sustainability key figures