Kiilto’s adhesives, coatings, detergents and hygiene products can be found in hundreds of thousands of households, workplaces and other built environments. Kiilto is strongly present in the everyday work of construction, cleaning and healthcare professionals.
We invest in continuous safe and environmentally friendly product development based on understanding our customers’ business operations and active internal dialogue within Kiilto. We create a safe environment for our employees and all people working with our products.
Environmental and product safety management
Kiilto is part of Finland’s chemical industry and its product safety is subject to particular scrutiny by stakeholders. As an industrial company, Kiilto is part of the global network through which we have been able to build our own wellbeing and society in its current form.
Safety improvements in Kiilto’s developing markets are another sign of responsible products and services. Through our own actions, we can impact on the safety of chemical industry products in circumstances where product safety could improve.
Preparing for environmental and safety risks is a proactive approach to social responsibility, which chiefly benefits our employees and residents close to our operations. Such responsibility includes securing wellbeing within and around our business activities. We ensure this through a wide range of technical and safety solutions, instructions, training and drills, and by committing all personnel to a safety-first mindset.
Chemical safety
Chemical safety is an important matter that concerns everyone. We keep a close eye on the legislative changes and strive to be involved in ensuring a safer and more environmentally friendly future for the chemical industry.
Many issues fall under chemical safe at Kiilto. For example, it covers the safe handling of chemicals and washing water in production, safe loading and the packaging of chemicals. Our chemical safety efforts ensure that our users receive safe products whose warning symbols and safety data sheets conform to the latest regulations.
We also provide our customers with product safety training, such as guidance in the safe use of isocyanates. Please contact our product safety department in matters related to chemical safety, email: productsafety(at)
Policies and commitments forming basis of environmental and product safety responsibility
Kiilto is guided by chemicals legislation. Both Kiilto Group and KiiltoClean Group keep abreast of chemicals legislation, such as permit issues and possible bans. Staying ahead of the game is important to ensuring that products and their markings and user safety are up to date.
Key legislative tools for the chemicals sector include the EU’s directives on the registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals, such as REACH, CLP and the Biocidal Products Directive. As downstream users of chemicals, Kiilto and KiiltoClean must ensure that suppliers have registered their ingredients with the joint European registry maintained by the European Chemicals Agency. Registration involves assessing the dangerous properties in substances and the risks involved in their use, as well as labelling substances with information on their safe use. Our certified management systems ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 13485 for medical devices cover product development, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, customer services, storage and material-related activities. View and print out the certificates here.
We are also committed to the principles of the ISO 26000 social responsibility standard and the Responsible Care programme, an international chemical industry programme focusing on health, safety and environmental performance.
Our environmental management principles are included in our operating policy. Our Managing Director is in charge of our operating policy, which was last reviewed in 2019. The policy covers all Kiilto offices.
We aim to keep growing the share of our products that have environmental and safety certification. Classifications awarded to Kiilto products in recognition of their environmental safety include the Nordic Ecolabel, CE label, M1 classification and LEED.
Complaint mechanisms and whistleblowing
Kiilto’s key tools for monitoring environmental responsibility include deviation reporting. Any Kiilto employee or anyone in the company’s supply chain can report an incident that impacts on the environment. Each reported incident is handled by an internal expert team which identifies the required monitoring and measures.
Together with its employees, Kiilto uses quality, environment and safety observations (QES observations) to identify possible shortcomings and development needs in its operations. The aim is for each Kiilto employee to make at least one observation per year. Awards are given for the best observations.
Warning symbols
To inform users about possible hazards, product manufacturers use warning symbols which comply with the CLP (Classification, Labeling and Packaging) 1272/2008 directive and are valid throughout Europe. Such symbols are shown in black on a white background inside a red diamond. The goal is that the same GHS (Global Harmonised System) marking and classification system will be used all over the world.

Chemicals and objects that may explode.

Flammable liquids, vapours, gases, aerosols and solids

Chemicals that cause another material to burn, or that accelerate the reaction.

Chemicals that corrode the skin and/or metal and cause severe eye damage.

Chemicals that cause eye and skin irritation, allergic reactions, skin reactions, airway irritation, acute toxicity, drowsiness or dizziness.

Gases kept in a pressurised container (at least 2 bar).

Chemicals that are immediately toxic upon inhalation, ingestion and/or skin contact.

Chemicals that are hazardous to the environment.

Chemicals with long-term effects, such as cancer, reproductive damage, weakened fertility or foetal damage. These chemicals may also cause allergic reactions when inhaled, or an aspiration hazard.