Екологічна діяльність як частина корпоративної культури
Бажання бути екологічним лідером у нашій сфері бізнесу керує нашими діями і спирається на Our Promise to the Environment –Наша обіцянка довкіллю. Це частина нашої культури, це те, як ми думаємо та оцінюємо свої дії. Обіцянка поділена на чотири сектори, які охоплюють усі наші операції від повсякденної рутини до інновацій і від стратегії до допомоги нашим клієнтам у цій галузі.
Our Promise to the Environment: Four sectors that cover all operations

Green energy:
All our company operations will be carbon neutral by 2028
By improving our energy and material efficiency, we are playing our part in combating climate change and promoting sustainability. In production, we invest in environmentally friendly technology, as well as clean and energy-saving production processes. We have set a goal to be a carbon neutral company by 2028.
In order to get there, we have smaller targets to hit along the way.
- By 2025, we will reduce our energy consumption per tonne produced by 20% from the level in 2010.
- In 2028, we will only use energy that is fully renewable.
- We participate in environmental projects, that add carbon sinks.
We follow GHG protocol when accounting and reporting CO2-emissions. At the moment, we account for all Scope 1 & 2 emissions. In addition, we account for the Business Travel and Commuting categories from Scope 3

SDG 7 is ”Affordable and clean energy”. We are committing to SDG 7 by substantially increasing our share of renewable energy.

SDG 9 is “Industry innovations and infrastructure”. We are committing to SDG 9 by engaging in innovations, scientific research and development.

SDG 13 is “Climate action”, and we are committing to it by improving education and awareness-raising on climate change mitigation, adaptation and impact reduction. Our work on waste reduction also has a direct impact on SDG 13.
Latest progress in Green energy

In 2028, we will only use energy
that is fully renewable.
52 % of our 2028 goal
has now been reached.
Examples of our efforts
Green packaging and logistics:
We reduce the use of fossil and virgin packaging material every year
When developing products, we continuously seek raw materials and forms of packaging that are kinder to the environment. By growing sales of our environmentally and safety-classified products, we are improving occupational and customer safety in our own working environment and customers’ premises.
- 70% of our packaging material is reused, renewable or recycled by 2025.
- We help our customers recycle by including environmental information on every product packaging by 2022.
- We are piloting a closed loop packaging material concept in 2020-2022. We want to increase the share of recycled material in our packages and increase environmental awareness across our customers’ businesses.

SDG 9 is “Industry innovations and infrastructure”. We are committing to SDG 9 by engaging in innovations, scientific research and development.

SDG 12 is ”Responsible consumption and production”. We are committing to SDG 12 by substantially reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse of materials.
Latest progress in Green packaging

70% of our packaging material is reused,
renewable or recycled by 2025.
68 % (2,376 t) of our 2025 goal
has now been reached.
Examples of our efforts
Green services:
We enable our customers to minimise their environmental footprint
In addition to optimizing our own operations, we provide our customers with more environmentally friendly products and services that help them to have more sustainable processes, working methods and end products. Increasing understanding of the environmental aspects is crucial in continuous improvement and that is why training plays a very important role in our green services.
- We will reduce our customers’ use of materials: By 2023, 50 000 kg per year and from onwards 200,000 kg per year.
- All our trainings include a module on sustainable development. We train around 30,000 people per year.

SDG 12 is ”Responsible consumption and production”. We are committing to SDG 12 by substantially reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse of materials.

SDG 13 is “Climate action”, and we are committing to it by improving education and awareness-raising on climate change mitigation, adaptation and impact reduction. Our work on waste reduction also has a direct impact on SDG 13.
Latest progress in Green services

All our trainings include a module on
sustainable development. We train around
30,000 people per year.
11 % (3261 persons) of our annual goal has now been reached.
Examples of our efforts
Green materials:
We use less fossil and virgin raw material and reduce waste every year
We promote the circular economy and use bio-based raw materials to decrease our use of non-renewable natural resources, while reducing our carbon footprint by lowering waste amounts and using our production side-streams. We also investigate opportunities for using recycled raw materials that are by-products of other industries.
- We will double the use of recycled and renewable raw materials in our chemical factories by 2025 compared to the level in 2018.
- We will use five times the amount of recycled and renewable raw materials in our dry-mix factories by 2025 compared to the level in 2018.
- We will halve our waste by 2025 compared to the level in 2018.

SDG 12 is ”Responsible consumption and production”. We are committing to SDG 12 by substantially reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse of materials.
Latest progress in Green materials

We will double the use of recycled
and renewable raw materials in our
chemical factories by 2025 compared to the level in 2018.