We create wellbeing
Kiilto launches new products and services, and grows its sectoral know-how to enable its future success. By doing so, Kiilto is reinventing the entire industry and creating wellbeing. Enhancing wellbeing creates a positive cycle, enabling investments in product development, which in turn enhance safety and environmental friendliness in the chemical industry.
Kiilto is living through a period of growth and renewal. We are investing heavily in developing our expertise and management, and in our experimental culture. Involving our staff in innovation has created new perspectives on our business in the coming years. We finalised the cornerstones of our corporate culture in 2017, providing our activities with an even stronger value base.
By reinventing ourselves, we want to ensure that we continue fulfilling our promise that the Customer is king. We are moving forward with the related projects as a responsible, international actor.
Kiilto’s Responsibility Working Group has identified the following key themes in our evaluation of vital activities. The related practical measures are described in the sections below each theme.
Financial responsibility themes
Development and growth of business
- Value chain management
- Growth of sectoral expertise
- New products and services
Production of shared value
- Financial stream of company
- Corporate citizenship
- Tax footprint in developing markets
Ethical business
- Development of purchasing and sales activities
- Anti-corruption activities
Managing financial responsibility
Value chain management is critical to the realisation of Kiilto’s vision. Kiilto enhances economic stability within its value chain by creating good business relationships and sharing intellectual capital.
Kiilto is a corporate citizen whose footprint is visible in the form of wellbeing and good practices. Some regions in which Kiilto operates have not reached the same level, in this respect, as western countries like Finland. However, Kiilto’s tax footprint in developing countries is stable and stands out positively from the mainstream. Kiilto creates a basis for financial sustainability by promoting ethically sustainable practices throughout its value chain. Crime and abuse are prevented by developing purchasing and sales activities and through anti-corruption activities. Such measures promote the emergence of more equal societies.
Bonus system encourages operational development
Kiilto’s personnel play a major role in achieving results. They have a decisive impact on operational efficiency, professional skills and thereby Kiilto’s financial results. If Kiilto’s staff help to achieve a result that exceeds the minimum targets, a bonus is shared between them. The aim is a goal-driven, fair basis for managing the company, while motivating all employees to get results and increase their personal earnings.
Combating corruption in international business

According to Transparency International, corruption is very widespread in the countries marked in red and orange on the map. Kiilto Family Group’s eight subsidiaries are located in these countries. How do we control corruption in our operations?
Responsibility is part of everyday activity and management at Kiilto, and is embedded in its operating culture. We insist that every Kiilto employee acts responsibly in their work and promotes the wellbeing of both the internal and external environment. We do not tolerate corruption in any form.
Our corruption control is based on the above-mentioned, publicly declared values. In addition to being a matter of values and attitude, responsibility is about experience. Employees who feel that their company acts responsibly towards them and their stakeholders will internalise responsibility in their own actions.
Anti-corruption practices
Anti-corruption activities begin with the induction of new employees. We make it clear that we do not accept corruption in any form and that, if we note that an employee is using or accepting bribes, we will terminate their employment. For example, in Russia ethical principles form part of the company’s official rules, which every employee signs up to. In addition, we take suspected cases of bribery seriously and investigate them thoroughly. An investigation alone sends a clear message through the organisation, even if no evidence is uncovered of abuse.
We apply the so-called White Book guidelines in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The White Book includes a description of internal control methods and governance for dividing work and powers between the AGM, Board of Directors, CEO and management group. It also presents tangible reporting guidelines, inspection and approval processes for invoices and contracts, and the ethical principles to which the company and its employees are committed.
The parent company monitors the purchasing function of the three factories in Russia, ensuring that corrupt practices do not take hold and harnessing purchasing synergies at the lower levels of the group.
The International Chamber of Commerce’s Anti-Corruption Clause was added to general terms of sale or contract models in Kiilto and its subsidiaries in 2015. Ethical guidelines were introduced in Finland’s purchasing function in 2017. The guidelines make it clear that a competitive price alone is not sufficient – operations must be responsible.
In countries where corruption is an everyday phenomenon, expediting or simplifying dealings with officials is bound to seem tempting. However, this is not an option at Kiilto. Our almost century-old family firm has a long perspective: success is not primarily measured through current activities, but by the extent to which we can build sustainable success. Our vision looks ahead to 2080. We aim to be corporate citizens who handle our affairs as they should be handled. We believe that society will develop and function if everyone does their share.
Policies and commitments underlying financial responsibility
Our responsible approach to business is based on the legislation and other regulations governing each function, as well as collective agreements and ethical practices. In the CIS countries and Ukraine, our ethical principals are laid out in more detail in our so-called White Book guidelines.
We also use the International Chamber of Commerce’s Anti-corruption Clause, distributing it to all staff and, for example, partners when making agreements with them.
In 2017, a Code of Conduct was drawn up to cover the entire company. The Code provides ethical guidance for the business activities of the company, its suppliers and subcontractors.
Complaint mechanisms and whistleblowing
Financial responsibility issues are brought to the company’s attention during the course of everyday management. The White Book includes measures employees should take if they observe suspected cases of corruption, for example. Observations related to financial responsibility are also collected in annual employee surveys.
Kiilto’s operating policy
Kiilto is a Finnish, family-owned company that manufactures chemical industry products and operates in Finland and abroad. Together with our customers, we are building a sustainable future and creating wellbeing from cleanliness. We operate in the construction, industry and professional cleanliness sectors, as well as the consumer markets. Our goal is to offer high-quality, durable and responsibly produced solutions alongside our customers. The customer is king. Understanding our customer’s needs, exceeding expectations and creating a great customer experience are key issues for us. We engage in continuous dialogue with our customers in order to develop our operations.
We are committed to preventing, eliminating and reducing risks posed to the environment or health by our operations, products and services. We comply with all statutory requirements, official regulations and guidelines. Kiilto’s employees are professionals who fulfil their quality, safety, social and environmental responsibilities. All Kiilto employees understand their responsibilities and objectives, and are responsible for the quality of their work. Kiilto Oy and Kiilto Clean Oy’s management are committed to continuously developing the company’s operations, and enabling the fulfilment of its goals.

Knowledge and art – partners in a range of fields
Kiilto brings economic stability to its surrounding society, both locally and far afield. It cooperates with stakeholders to create shared practices which are beneficial to both parties.
Kiilto’s long-term partnerships:
- Business Finland
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
- Åbo Akademi University
- Tampere University
- Tampere Vocational College Tredu
- Tampere University of Applied Sciences
- Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki
- local schools (Sääksjärvi School and Lempäälä upper-secondary school, Finland)