Послуги /


Ми навчаємо користувачів і розповсюджувачів продукції Kiilto особливостям продукту, правильній технології застосування та врахуванню питань навколишнього середовища та безпеки. Ми організовуємо низку навчальних заходів для різних цільових груп.

Contractors and installers

We arrange training all over Finland for contractors and installers. Depending on the topic, our training focuses on the technical features of our products and the right working methods.

Design, supervision and hosting

Supplementary training on the design and supervision of wet rooms provides participants with training in those subjects. The training is suitable for people in charge of the design, realisation and supervision of wet rooms, and moisture control during construction projects.


Training for salespeople includes workshops on various themes, for example waterproofing and tiling, dry area renovation and floor and wall levelling. Our Waterproofing and tiling workshop focuses on wet room products, the Dry room workshop on the renovation of dry interiors, and our Levelling training on floor and wall levelling and tiling adhesives.