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Kiilto для Балтійського моря

Kiilto бере участь у роботі з порятунку Балтійського моря

Almost all Kiilto’s operating countries are located on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The condition of the sea and its ecosystem has impacts way beyond the shoreline: eutrophication of the Baltic Sea is one of Northern Europe’s biggest environmental problems.

Our cooperation with the John Nurminen Foundation started in 2021. The foundation’s Clean Baltic Sea projects involve taking tangible steps to improve the ecological status of the Baltic Sea by reducing the nutrient load and environmental risks.

In addition to supporting the John Nurminen Foundation, Kiilto is working with other actors to protect the Archipelago Sea. As part of the Baltic Sea, the Archipelago Sea is an important recreational area with a valuable, diverse natural environment and numerous islands. Its natural environment makes it unique, but its ecosystem is under severe pressure.

Kiilto also collaborates with Origin by Ocean. This startup is tackling the Baltic Sea eutrophication problem with an innovative solution. The company aims to refine harmful algae into bio-based raw materials that can be used in novel ways in all kinds of products, detergents and cosmetics for example.

День Балтійського моря

День Балтійського моря, започаткований і координований Фондом Джона Нурмінена, відзначається щороку в останній четвер серпня різноманітними мітингами та заходами. Мета тематичного дня – висвітлити важливі морські теми та заохотити людей до конкретних дій щодо Балтійського моря. Захід відзначає універсальність і неосяжну цінність Балтійського моря. Крім того, свято спрямоване на поширення інформації про морську природу, культуру та історію. У 2021 році День Балтійського моря відзначається 26 серпня. www.balticseaday.fi

Increase the sum of our donation to the Baltic Sea by joining our photo challenge!


We want to inspire others who care for the sea and the environment to do good together. Now it’s easier than ever: take part by joining our photo challenge. Each image posted in social media and marked with the #kiiltoforthebalticsea tag increases the amount of our donation to the John Nurminen Foundation, in addition to our annual support.

There are three different themes to choose from to take the photo of. You can also take a more creative approach and join with other photos that celebrate our beautiful nature:

  1. Enjoying a Baltic Sea friendly menu, at a restaurant or self-made
  2. Open water swimming
  3. Picking up trash from nature

The channels to participate in are Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Images posted in the challenge need to be public, so that they can be counted in the challenge. The challenge starts on July 15 and ends on Finnish Nature Day on August 28, 2021.

Campaign terms and conditions

Delicious Baltic Sea Tacos à la Mikko Uosukainen

We have created a delicious Baltic Sea friendly dish, Baltic Sea Tacos, in collaboration with chef Mikko Uosukainen. Try this recipe out in your own kitchen, or create your own version of a Baltic Sea friendly menu, and post a picture of it with #kiiltoforthebalticsea to join the challenge.

Check out the recipe!

Take a plunge in the open water

On Baltic Sea Day, there are several plunges taking place at 6 pm (Finnish time), but you can also freely schedule your own dip (it may even be a dip of your toe) according to your own schedule in any river, lake, pond or sea shore, during the challenge period. Remember to take care of your safety!

To take part in our photo challenge post a picture of your plunge with #kiiltoforthebalticsea.

Picking up trash from nature

We’re joining forces with our Kiilto Ventures partner Origin by Ocean on the Baltic Sea Day by organizing an event to clean up the beaches in Helsinki area in Finland. 

You can also join by picking up trash from your nearby neighbourhood, telling us about it by posting a picture on your social media and tagging it with #kiiltoforthebalticsea to join our photo challenge!

Read more about our work for the Baltic Sea

Our Promise to the Environment